Mather Schneider

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Rotten Luck

Had an ok day yesterday
Natalia wasn’t too crabby
did some cleaning and yard work
then we went to the park to take a walk
Natalia walks very slow and gets tired quickly
because of the sickness
I prefer to walk alone and talk to myself
when we drove home she saw a plant sale
the guy was from Mexicali and had some peach trees for 4 bucks
Natalia wanted one so we bought one
even though the last 2 we planted died
the fig, lime and mango trees also died
there might be poison in our dirt
a plague on our land
or maybe it’s just rotten luck
didn’t put the tree in the ground because I was tired
didn’t sleep well
the digging is easy here I can’t complain
got my coffee now
and Chucho is looking at me through the screen door
but he ate all the chicken bones yesterday
I tell him there are no more
but he doesn’t understand
he’s smart as dogs go but there’s a limit to his comprehension
and he won’t eat fruit or greens
get out of here with that shit, his eyes say to me
he’s a good friend but I can’t let him in the house
Natalia would raise hell
which is very close to the surface these days


Mather Schneider was born in Peoria, Illinois in 1970. He was a cab driver in Tucson, Arizona for many years and now lives in Mexico. He has 5 books available on Amazon.